Plab 2 Courses

What’s the Most Effective Way to Introduce Yourself in Plab 2

In PLAB 2, your introduction sets the tone for the entire consultation. Here’s how to approach it effectively.

Start with a smile. Setting a positive tone in the introduction is crucial as it helps to establish a rapport with the patient and create a comfortable environment. A warm smile not only conveys friendliness and approachability, but it also helps to alleviate any anxiety or apprehension the patient may have, making them more open to sharing their concerns and enabling effective communication between the doctor and patient.

  • Introduce yourself. (2nd name) to the patient A friendly introduction can greatly impact patient satisfaction. Research has shown that patients who have positive interactions with their healthcare providers, including a warm and friendly introduction, are more likely to feel satisfied with their overall healthcare experience. This can lead to increased trust, improved communication, and better patient outcomes.
  •  Name the preference of the patient.
  • Speak naturally: Avoid sounding rehearsed or robotic. Instead, be yourself and speak naturally. Imagine meeting a patient for the first time on the ward. In addition to a warm smile and friendly introduction, your body language plays a crucial role in creating a comfortable environment for the patient. Maintaining open and relaxed posture, making appropriate eye contact, and using gestures that convey attentiveness and empathy can help to establish trust and put the patient at ease. These nonverbal cues can signal to the patient that you are fully present and attentive to their needs, fostering a sense of comfort and confidence in the consultation.
  • Confirm Identity: Start by verifying the patient’s identity. For example, “Hi, I’m Dr. Zeeshan. Is it Mrs. XYZ?” This establishes who you are but also ensures you’re addressing the right person. Confirming a patient’s identity is not only a crucial step in ensuring patient safety and preventing medical errors, but it also demonstrates professionalism and shows that you value the patient as an individual. By confirming their identity, you establish trust and create a sense of security, which can contribute to a more effective and personalized consultation.
  • Avoid Overthinking: Trust your instincts regarding whether to refer to first names or titles like Mr. or Mrs. If in doubt, stick with what feels natural to you. Overthinking can lead to stiff communication, which affects your rapport with the patient. Using first names can help create a more friendly and informal atmosphere, which may help the patient feel more comfortable and open during the consultation. However, using titles like Mr. or Mrs. can convey a sense of professionalism and respect. Ultimately, the decision should be based on the individual patient and the context of the consultation.

Importance of an effective introduction:

As an aspirant doctor, it is crucial to present yourself professionally and confidently during the exam Here are some guidelines to help you introduce yourself in the PLAB2 exam as a doctor. This will help examiners and other candidates identify you throughout the exam.

Clearly state your professional title, such as “Doctor” or “F2”. This will demonstrate your qualifications and establish your authority as a healthcare professional.

Mention you are one of the junior doctors If applicable, highlight your department

Show that you are happy to help. Be genuine.

The key to a successful introduction lies in appearing genuine and confident. Patients (or role players) respond positively when they sense authenticity rather than scripted approaches.

When you appear relaxed and natural, the patient knows you are approachable and competent. This initial impression can set the stage for a more cooperative and productive interaction throughout the consultation.


To conclude, your introduction to the PLAB 2 exam should reflect your natural manner of interacting with patients. Make sure you do not over-rehearse phrases and rely on your instincts to guide you. An effective consultation begins with a confident introduction.

For more guidance and comprehensive preparation resources tailored to the PLAB 2 exam, explore our courses at UKPASS Academy. Our expert-led training will equip you with the skills and confidence needed to excel on your PLAB 2 journey.

Join us at UKPASS Academy, where we’re dedicated to your PLAB 2 exam success. Let’s conquer PLAB 2 together and pave the way for your medical career.

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