What is UKMLA

The UKMLA Exam & Its Preparation

Within the UK, there are many medical opportunities. Do you have aspirations of carrying on with your healthcare career there? Okay, let’s get more specific then, because now there is a new barrier showing up – the UK Medical Licensing Assessment (UKMLA). However, don’t be afraid because we will take you through the whole process.

From January 2024, the content map of MLA features the required contents such as knowledge, skills and behaviour for the practice in the UK. The fact that both papers of the PLAB test are used for the assessment of these aspects, thus the examination standard or its format won’t be changed for the examinees. If you are aspiring to be a doctor in the UK and looking for some reliable platform to polish your learning skill, visit UKPass Academy now and Get your PLAB 2 Course prepared with efficient results.

What is the UKMLA?

UKMLA is a new and particular exam, geared for both UK medical students and International Medical Graduates (IMGs) to work as doctors in UK. It is the steering wheel to the career admiralty in this lovely country.

Parts of the UKMLA:

Now let’s split this exam into two exciting parts.

1. Applied Knowledge Test (AKT):

This is the part where you’ll be exercising your brain. Imagine yourself seated in front of a computerized exam with the MCQs covering a huge breadth of clinical practice, biomedical sciences and social and population health. Think of it as a marathon done in the mind but equipped with the right materials, everything will be a breeze for you.

The AKT assesses your general medical knowledge across various areas, including clinical practice, biomedical sciences, and social and population health. To prepare for this part of the UKMLA, you’ll need to arm yourself with the right resources. Start by exploring the GMC’s content map, which serves as a treasure map guiding you through the vast ocean of medical knowledge. Additionally, make good use of past papers to learn from the mistakes of the past and conquer the MCQs like a pro. Textbooks aligned with the content map will also be your trusty companions on this journey of knowledge. And don’t forget to dive into online question banks to practice and emerge victorious.

2. Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment (CPSA):

Now, things get hands-on. Pretend that you are in a place where there are certain settings created for you to improve your clinical skills and professionalism with other health care providers. It’s like starring as both the doctor and the patient in the most awesome real-life medical drama out there, and the proper preparation will make your role nothing short of superb.

OSCE is one of the components for CPSA. There you will have a mock exam with peers and at the end will you able to review with doctors. From your med school or any private organizations offering such practice sessions, it will be critical to attend these things as they will give you the opportunity to polish your clinical skills and professional behavior. Employing the use of immersive simulations, you’ll grasp the dos and don’ts of the real case scenario in the medical field with equal sophistication and composure.

How to Prepare for the UKMLA:

The process of UKMLA preparation is like getting ready for a big expedition. Here’s your roadmap:

1. Understand the Content:

Dig through the UKMLA content map to the deepest level. Recognize the central topics of this voyage you have to master. You will know what to study and won’t have to waste time on things that are going to be nothing but a waste of time. In addition, you will not have to worry about missing something as you’ll be well prepared for the exam.

2. Start Early:

Rome wasn’t constructed in one day and, therefore, getting-ready for the UKMLA is not a one day job either. Time is the key, the sooner you start the more likely you’ll succeed, especially for an IMG. See your medical curriculum as your beacon to guide you through. Leverage the main material and then extend it with more information.

3. AKT Preparation:

Immerse into previous year exam papers, swallow the textbooks aligned with the instructions and don’t forget to take a dip into online question libraries. I believe the right practice will make you a perfect player. The understanding of the AKT requires a firm mastery of the medical knowledge in different disciplines, so in addition to the basic topics, remember about other ones.

4. CPSA Practice:

Grab your scrubs, put on your game face and get into the simulation OSCES that you’ll be following. Improve your clinical skills and professionalism until you are exposed to a point you feel like a diamond. Create your own unique and compelling Instagram story by following these three simple steps. Your medical knowledge must be applied in context of real life circumstances, so practice makes you better. Therefore, the CPSA evaluates your real life competence of medical application. Consequently, practice becomes essential. Don’t be scared of making mistakes, we do so even when learning.


UKMLA looks like a formidable mountain to conquer, but with the right strategies in place and enough dash of determination, you will realize that it’s something you can achieve. Get ready and brace yourselves, medical fanatics and future doctors, as we begin this memorable pathway together. The UK doors to medical practice are now open in front of you and you are welcomed to step in – are you ready to overstep the thresholds?


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